Monday, July 27, 2015

What we know is

......that we know less and less about more and more?
Einstein said we only have 2 choices, "Either the world is a miracle or it is isn't ".
Susan Neiman in our own day says "Common wonder is too common to cause reverence."

..that we live a in a  forest dark and light places with  growth , death and new life  .
...that we should be learning,  unless of course we know .all there is to know .......

Explore the world of Tolkien and Middle Earth and you'll discover there is good and bad everywhere,  including at home , Unresolved tensions . Watch Frodo , Sam and the ring you'll see no one is exempt from temptation and the need to deal it and real failure using recognition ,repentance and by retracing your steps.
................For it is by grace you are saved is the gift of God.
-- if you don't accept the real way of moving on, you may walk the way of denial - thinking you know , when,  in reality, you not only don't know , but refuse to go where you may learn to know;

Unsure whats really in the glass near you and where all the goodness and grace comes from.